You are here: Examples Coastal Zone Management, Adjara, Georgia  
Masterplan Siquijor Island, Philippines
Coastal Zone Management, Adjara, Georgia
Pational Park planning Tam Dao, Vietnam
Tsunami Rehabillitation Program Thailand
Barrier free tourism Müritz, Germany
Architectural Design


The Autonomous Republic of Adjara in Georgia is also often called the former "Russian Riviera". The beaches are heavily frequented by tourists in summer, most from Russia, Georgia and Armenia.
This led to a dynamic increase in construction activity along the coastal areas, which led to corresponding negative ecological impacts
Beyond urban sprawl and the increasing distinction of the indigenous coastal vegetation, valuable bird sanctuaries are endangered by solid waste and sewage pollution. Other challenges were coastal erosion and uncleaned sewage drained to the sea or oil oil pollution from the harbour.
The aim was to raise awareness for developing more sustainable forms of tourism. In March 2008, a feasibility study for integrated coastal development with recommendations for immediate and medium-term measures was compiled and presented to local stakeholders.

As result, a "coastal zone initiative" driven by local stakeholders was initiated to enforce coastal zone management and to prepare first pilot measures in sustainable tourism development.


Adjara Dolphin-watch


Landscape in Adjara Foto: © Eike Otto